This website features a variety of learning resources available for download by students, teachers, or anyone else interested in math-related topics.

Nursing Skills Students Made Pink Paper Cutouts with their "I Love Math" message.

Image of Dimensional Analysis in Nursing textbook. Written by Pete Esser.

Pete Esser
Mathematics Instructor (retired)
Wisconsin, U.S.A
Nursing Math

Teaching resources for instructors

One of the specialty areas of support on this website is the offering of a large amount of both instructional and practice material for nursing students looking to strengthen their drug calculation skills.
Go to Dimensional Analysis in Nursing to download material for study and practice.
Instructors using my textbooks can access supporting materials.
Please go to our Applied Math, Math Review, or Business Math pages to access PowerPoint lectures, worksheets, and assessment materials.
Southwest Tech math/science youtube channel
Southwest Tech offers over 1,000 math and science videos organized into 93 playlists.
Please go to our Playlists web page for easy access to topics areas of interest to you.